
Insomnias: varied, unpleasant, dangerous

Insomnia is a disease when a person cannot have enough amount of sleeping, or it's not satisfying. If insomnia lasts for several days, it is acute and usually doesn't need special treatment. But if it becomes regulars and happens every week, it's better to visit a doctor. Chronic problem influences badly physical functions, slows reactions, thinking, ability to concentrate. The study of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine showed that 75% of Americans suffer from acute insomnias. 6% of them face developed chronic insomnia later. MD Ron Grunstein mentions that insomnia is diagnosed if a person has problems with sleeping during at least one month. But it doesn't mean, that if it is going less time, a person should just suffer and be patient. If it is a real disturbance, consultation and treatment are needed immediately. Insomnia may be accorded by symptoms like hallucinations, then a person is half-asleep and anxiety or lousy mood before going to b

Do fake scientific researches exist?

Unfortunately, fake or not rigorous enough researches exist. And the bigger problem that ordinary people, mass media and even naive scientists trust them. In a situation when anything may be published in journals not only fake news is a headache, but also fake science. In the contemporary world, we face tons of information, and only very few of us have enough time to figure out what is right. Usually, we prefer to believe the authorities in the area – scientists. But not all of them are honest and serious in their jobs. The group which is concerned about that more than others – scientists themselves. They care about the reputation of science and its purity. If some colleagues do fake researches, then the whole of science becomes a little fake. And people, who dedicated their lives to searching the truth cannot put up with that, cause then their job loses the sense. An experiment with fake articles To expose how significant is a danger for the area three researchers sent 20

On the same rake: yearning for exes. Part 2: Why it happens and what to do?

In my previous article I described what happens when we allow our yearning for exes prevail. Now it is time to discuss which situations provoke it and how to fight this desire for avoiding new problems. Lets observe most widespread situations. You are drunk. Yes, the situation when a person is drunk and send messages to all exes is an object of ridicule. Such behavior seems so strange that people (sober) laugh at it. But the fact remains: a drunk person regret about his past and present, and try to change it immediately! The reason of it is simple: the alcohol influence on part of the brain which are responsible for self-control and realistic assessment of situation. They work worse and a person do thing which seem reasonable in drunk state. And if a person drinks the alcohol regularly, this parts of the brain are also depressed regularly. So erroneous decisions happen more often even in sober state. If you want to save clear consciousness (and not to return bad relations

On the same rake: yearning for exes

Why some time later we begin to yearn for our partners from the past, although at first we could be be glad that we broke? In first part you will know which are symptoms of yearning for ex-partner. It seems, you finally got rid of him. Or of her. Behind are left scandals, late returning home of your soul mate without warnings and without crisp explanations, numerous attempts (fruitless) to clarify and to improve relationships. It should seem you should cheer, to make a fresh start, to met new people or conversely to pay attention to yourself, if inner incentive ( инсЕнтив) demands it. And really some time everything is going exactly like this. It seems that the sun came out of clouds, the shroud fell from eyes and shackles from legs. One wants to sing and to enjoy the life. But several months passed, or half a year, or year or even several years, and you fell some anxiety. Some time later this anxiety becomes stronger, bigger and begins to whisper: “Yes, he was bet